Wednesday, June 5, 2013

island girls (and boy)

Jacob assures me that it is safe for children to play in rivers where ducks live, and for that matter excrete waste.  So I am going to trust him on this because it
 provides hours of entertainment in the form of a game called "island girls".  Let's just hope the BYU police don't come by and cite me for allowing my children to play in their creek.   Me and the BYU police....reminds me that I need to go pay my most recent fifty dollar fine.

my little tomatoe


I think Skye is upset with me.  She is mad that I always forget to put sunscreen on her.  Apparently babies can still get sunburned in the shade.  Without fail Skye always ends up looking like a little tomatoe.  But it makes her that much more edible, I suppose.  Happy summer to you all!