Friday, August 17, 2007

I've converted

We don't have a cell phone, so it's no surprise that it's taken a while to get a blog spot. I'm usually a little slow when it comes to these things. Ignorance is bliss; I know that as soon as I get a cell phone, I won't be able to live without one. Same with this blog thing. Once I start, I know it's going to be hard to stop. But, nonetheless I have decided to start. I'm not sure why--maybe it will be therapeutic, entertaining, enlightening, or all of the above. We'll see.


Vanessa Swenson said...

it's fun to blog.
was this on a Jiu Jitsu training trip?

Daddyo said...

Hey, This blob site will be one of my favorites. We are all so excited to see you next week. Can Gracie say "GRAMPS"?

George Laird said...

This will be fun. I expect to read your profound comments and observations on life at the beginning of each day.